Check the article below for download linksDownload Links. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL EVERYTHING IS GRAYED OUT. Today well learn how to easily customize discord for free in 2021. betterdiscord-theme Star Here are 262 public repositories matching this topic.Make sure that if something is weird about my theme(aka an area is gray instead of transparent or if it's gray and it's suppose to have a color) then contact me.So here is some new information and a new invite I have finally finished creating my newest themes and I would like to thank everyone that are fans of my themes for your patience when I was taking a long vacation from creating themes after a conflict happened a few months ago. css file, which will be the color stylesheet of the selected theme. Step 2: Once you have selected the theme that you are looking for, tap on the Download button. ShadowDevilsAvenged Welcome to my new and improved theme network and I hope you enjoy Step 1: First, you need to visit the site ‘betterdiscord.app/themes here, you need to select the theme that you like.